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您的当前位置是:首页 > 考试指导 > 英语统考 > 2016郑大远程教育大学英语期末考试复习资料(一)



Part1 Learning Process (学习步骤)

1. Clearing out the obstacles of vocabulary and structure. (清除词汇与句子结构障碍)

2. Pre-reading  (Scanning) (运用扫描法预读课文)

3. Intensive Reading (Skimming) (运用略读法细读课文,重点理解、掌握并翻译划线部分的句子和单词)

4. Summary (Skipping) (运用跳读法将课文中的主要内容进行归纳总结)

5. Learning Method (掌握必要的学习方法)

6. Exercises (课后作业)


Part 2 Learning Contents (学习内容)

Guide to Learning (导学)

Learning Objective (学习目标)

Proverbs (格言、谚语)

Intensive Reading:Text A 精读课文A

Text Structure Analysis(课文结构分析)

Word Bank(生词库)

Expressions (短语)  

Expanded Vocabulary (拓展词汇)

Synonym Replacement(同义词替换)



Comprehension of Text A (课文理解)

Translation  (翻译)

Vocabulary Enlargement (词汇拓展)

Practice (操练)


Extensive Reading:Text B 精读课文B

Use of English (交际英语)

Reading Skills (阅读技巧)

Extensive Reading:Text C 精读课文C

Writing Skills (写作技巧)

Guided Writing  (写作练习)


Key to Unit  (单元课后练习答案)

Key to Quiz  (单元测试答案)


Part 3 Teaching Plan 教学计划

本学期共学习10个单元,其中教师讲授每个单元中的两篇课文,学生自学一泛读篇课文,完成写作一篇, 并且完成单元测试题10套。





Unit 1  Food



一、 本单元学习内容


Text A  Fruits

Vocabulary Enlargement(词汇扩展): Prefixes & Suffix es(前缀与后缀)

Grammar (语法知识): Parts of Speech(词类)

Text B   Sweet Potato

Use of English (交际英语): Greeting and Introduction

Reading Skills: An Introduction to Reading(阅读介绍)

Text C   A Good Eating Habit

Writing Skills: An Introduction to Writing(写作介绍)




1.After learning the three texts in this unit, the learners are supposed to master some key words and expressions about food, and get the main idea of the classification, the components, the characteristics, and the functions of food so as to develop a healthy diet habit.




4.能运用所学的句型“there be”, “Something is important to somebody|”和 “The more…the more”造句和短文写作.

5. 熟练掌握英语中介绍与问候常用语。


Text A  Fruits



Text Structure Analysis



Topic: Fruit     Style: Exposition(说明文)

Topic Sentence

There are three separate groups.


Names of the Fruits



Tropical Fruits


bananas and pineapples



Subtropical Fruits(亚热带水果)


the citrus fruits(柑橘类水果): oranges, tangerines, limes and grapefruits(桔子、柑橘、酸橙和柚子); figs, dates, and olives(无花果、大枣和橄榄)

acids(酸), salts, and vitamins(维生素)

tasty, easy to digest(消化)

The Temperate Zone Fruits(温带水果)

pears, apples, grapes, and plums(李子); berries(莓)



Concluding Sentence

Nutrition experts say that the more fruit people eat, the healthier they become.



1. There be (is, are) …(英语中表示某处有某物)

2. Something is important to somebody(某物对某人很重要)

3. The more…the more(越……越……)

Vocabulary Enlargement (词汇拓展)

Prefixes and Suffixes 前缀与后缀

Reading Skills (阅读技巧)

1. Skimming:浏览全文并做标记。


2. Scanning:扫描全文,搜索信息。


3. Skipping:阅读问题,略过不必要的内容。


Writing Skills (写作技巧)

1. 了解短文的基本类型(Types of Essays

2. 熟悉基本写作步骤 (Basic Steps of Writing)

3. 掌握文章的组织结构

4. 了解写作的评分标准



Unit 2  Animals



一、 本单元学习内容


Text A  Dogs

Vocabulary Enlargement(词汇扩展): Classification (分类法)

Grammar (语法知识): Basic Sentence Patterns (基本句型介绍)

Text B  The White Elephant 

Use of English (交际英语): Calling and Inquiring (打电话与问询)

Reading Skills: Overcoming Bad Reading Habits (克服不良阅读习惯)

Text C   Sharks

Writing Skills: Writing of English Sentences (如何写英语句子)




After learning the three texts, the learners are supposed to master some key words and expressions of animals, and get to know the relationship between some animals and people so as to understand it better that we should learn to live in harmony with animals.

通过学习本单元3篇课文,学习者应该能够掌握与动物有关的一些单词、词组,并且了解一些动物与人类的关系, 从而更好地理解人类与动物应该和谐相处这一道理。


Text A  Dogs


Text Structure Analysis  课文结构分析


Topic: Dogs   Style: Exposition(说明文)


Topic Sentence  

The dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world.

The Reasons for People Keeping Dogs  

In the old days: protect themselves against attacks by other beasts

Later: willing to obey his master

Now: protect themselves from robbery; for companionship

Concluding Sentence

So the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from

protection to friendship.



1. It be…that…  (it作形式主语,指代that引导的主语从句) 

2. Sb./sth. not only…but (also)  ……不仅……而且……

3. For sb., sth be… (对于某人来说,某物……)

Vocabulary Englargement (词汇扩展)

Classification 分类法


按词性分类 (By parts of speech)


按同类题材分类 (By categories)


按拼写方分类 (By spelling)


按构词法分类 (By world-building)


按学科门类分类(By subjects


按语言学条目分类 (By linguistics


按同义词、反义词、近义词、近形词分类 (By synonym, atonym, words with similar meaning and form)

Reading Skills (阅读技巧)

Overcoming Bad Reading Habits (克服不良阅读习惯)

Writing Skills (阅读技巧)

How to Write English Sentences(如何写英语句子)

句子成分介绍:句子主要由主语(subject)与谓语(predicate)构成,其次还有宾语(object),表语(predicative),定语 (attributive),状语 (adverbial),补语 (complement),同位语(appositive)




Unit 3   Entertainment


一、 本单元学习内容


Text A  Leisure Time

Vocabulary Enlargement(词汇扩展): Diagram (图表法)

Grammar(语法知识): Tense(时态)

Text B   Life of Pop Stars

Use of English(交际英语): Asking for and Giving Directions(问路和指路)

Reading Skills(阅读技巧): Scanning, Skimming and Skipping 3S 阅读法)

Text C   Three Popular Sports in the United States

Writing Skills(写作技巧): Paragraph Writing (段落写作)




After learning the three texts, the learners are supposed to master some key words, useful expressions and sentence patterns about entertainment. The learners may also understand the functions and significance of leisure time, know about the life of pop stars and their difficulties when facing the fierce competition, learn about the three main popular sports and the reasons for their popularity in the U. S.



Text A  Leisure Time


Text Structure Analysis  课文结构分析


Topic: Leisure Time    Style: Exposition(说明文)

Topic Sentence

How to spend the leisure time has become a hot topic.


                 Supporting details

Beginning of the Article

Functions of leisure

relaxation, recreation and entertainment, and personal development.

Body of the Article

The use of leisure time is different from individual to individual.

1) shows much about ones tastes, values,…

2) Some may choose literature, magic, art,…

3) Others take part in sports, politics …

4) Still others like parties or travelling…

Conclusion of the Article

Our likes and dislikes, tastes and preferences are all related to social background and learning experiences.

1) from our families, schools, jobs, and the

    mass media.…

2) satisfying their wishes.…

3leading to a self-renewal and a more “balanced” way of life.…

Concluding Sentence

So the good use of leisure time will make life rich, colorful and rewarding.



1. with +名词(代词)+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语……(with的复合结构作独立主格)

2. like + 名词/动名词(喜欢…… )

3. contribute to …(有助于……;贡献…… 在这个结构中,to 为介词,其后应跟名词或动名词)

Vocabulary Enlargement(词汇拓展)

Diagram (图表法记忆单词 )

Grammar(语法知识):Tense 时态

Writing SkillsParagraph Writing (段落写作)



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